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Dubai Roads and Transport Authority Planning To Have Self flying Taxis By July

Dubai’s new game plan to strive self-flying taxis by July, the city’s Road and Transportation Agency announced this week at the World Government Summit conference.

Finally the dream of a flying car turning in to reality. Dubai recently tested a chinese prototype of a self driven hover taxi. Dubai transport authority stated that they will introduce the vehicle in emirate by july.
They said that they have already experimented the vehicle in a flight in Dubai sky.
World giant dubai tested the vehicle as they wants to convert the quarter of it’s transportation to self driven by 2030.
The flying car Ehang 184 can travel 100 kilo meters in one hour up to the height 300 meters(1000 ft).
Passenger simply need to select the destination for the taxi to take off. The car will be monitored by the ground controll.
The car works on electricity as a fuel. That can be charged in 2 hours and can fly for 30 minutes.
The car is made by chinese drone manufacturer EhangThe quad-copter is powered by eight propellers, the authority said It has highly accurate sensors and can resist extreme temperatures. The emirate is known for its scorching summers. Dubai always wants to attract more tourists towards it self that’s why they working to turn this in to reality.

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